
Tuesday, 15 January 2013

How to release anger...

Is there someone in your life who is REALLY getting on your nerves? Are ready to explode at them? Before you do, here's an anger release technique I've been using for over 15 years. The power of it never ceases to amaze me. It works.

Things You'll Need
·         Pen, Paper, Quiet Time


o    1
Find a quiet spot, get pen and writing paper. Don't skimp on size or quantity-you don't want to run out of paper and you DO want a large enough writing surface on which to vent.
o    2
Set a timer for ten minutes or place your watch nearby. Begin writing-pour your wrath, your frustration, your bile about this person onto the page. DO NOT STOP YOUR HAND, DO NOT STOP TO THINK-these are the keys to this exercise. Then when the time is up, put away the anger-soaked pages. Go about your day, no need to explain what you just did.
o    3
Day Two: Find your quiet place again, get out the pages your wrote the day before and read the entire thing, word-for-word. Set your timer again and go for another ten minutes. Same thing, keep that hand moving with no stopping. Then put the pages away again.
o    4
Day Three: Read over the previous pages and then one last time, write like crazy for ten minutes. Put it all away.
o    5
Day Four: Read the entire piece and then find a place where you can SAFELY burn it. As it burns, envision your rage being released. As the smoke billows away, let your anger go with it.
o    6

Now with a clear head and your bags emptied of rage, you can have a talk with the person. If it's still needed. I've had the experience of not even needing to talk, having realized all of the issues were mine. But if there are things to discuss, at least you can talk about them knowing what's your stuff and what is the other person's.

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