
Thursday 14 April 2011

When marriage isn't fun.....

Many couples get to a place where they are not having fun.  Bills, mortgages, kids and work seem to become who we are.  We become human doings instead of human beings.  'We've lost each other,' one couple said.  So how do you rediscover the spark you had when you first met.   To begin with PLAY.  Don't go to the movies, watch T.V. or hang out with friends.  Instead play!!!  Book a badminton court, play hide and go seek, or get the ball gloves out and play catch.  You see children are wonderful teachers for those of us who are married.  We need to play, laugh and exercise.  It works miracles.  Couples who play regularly often find themselves chatting, joking and generally enjoying each other more than they have for quite some time.  TJS

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