
Sunday 7 February 2016

Murders in La Loche

Day One La Loche 2/7/16

First night at La Loche and Buffalo Narrows after the shooting of  four people.  Even the chance encounters I have had clearly indicate the shock and hurt felt within these communities. There has been further frustration with the crowds of media and politicians which came and left.

Northern communities are clearly dismayed by the lack of interest in providing adequate services in the north. The 'rubber necking' of the south in response to the shootings smacks of insincerity. Adolescent suicides and missing aboriginal women have been ignored for decades.  Mental health services are not adequate and there are few educational programs for the youth.   Ironically 'we the south' gladly take the natural resources of the north without question.

So on day one of my many visits to the north I remain skeptical that anyone really cares.  Years ago I met with various government officials and recommended wellness clinics be in place throughtout the north on a quarterly basis.  These would serve as education centers, sexual assault response centres and mental health support.  The response is that there was no funding or cooperation between government departments and nothing could be done.  I don't know if four dead bodies will make any difference but I hope they do.   Peace.  Dr. T

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